Tydz. 10 

10. Week: 1 January, 2001 ÷ 7 January, 2001

Now the most exiting year of our lives started! Due to the holiday season the coming week is very short! Tons of material arrive! During the next weeks, 50000 trees from Heki will be delivered!

  1. A long way to go! This again is the spot with the station and the river. It already changed a bit but one cannot at all guess what this place will show, once it is ready!
  1. The submerged tracks and staging yards will have to be completed before the rest of the wood works for the scenery can be started. Here the scenery will be only 50 cms high. In contrast to other places on the layout (ceiling - high), this is quite flat.
  1. While riser for riser is the 1. building phase is completed, the benchwork for the 2. building phaset (approx. 95 m²) is set up here.
  1. The lobby shows first contours! This will be the cashier's counter.
  1. From another view one can already see parts of the layout from the lobby. BTW, this picture shows about 1/3 from ONE of the 4 interconnected rooms. It will be so large!

(c) 2001 Miniatur Wunderland Hamburg GmbH